2022 SCYF Sponsorship Info

SCYF Families,

Do you know of a company or organization that is looking to advertise locally? We are looking for 2019 sponsors who will benefit from their name and brand being advertised on over 200 player t-shirts, league banner and pop-up presented at weekly home games. We have three levels of sponsorship available:

Gold - $2,500

Silver - $1,000

Bronze - $500

Each donation derives different levels of benefits, which are summarized in the attached Sponsorship Contribution form. However, all donations are appreciated and provide your children access to new equipment, offset increasing field costs allowing your child to practice on top-rated fields, play home games on the same field as the championship SCHS players, and provide financial assistance to deserving families. SCYF is a non-profit organization, so the donations may be tax deductible.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions pertaining to 2019 sponsorship.

Download the Sponsorship Contribution Form Here


2022 SCYF Fundraising Director

Bryce Brunsting